
频道:小学作文 标签:我的自由年代22李思思的老公魏哲浩照片顺城街一小 时间:2019年08月19日 19:08:33 浏览: 评论:0条

对就是柯南里的大反派 琴酒的座驾 保时捷356A


一个日本老先周刊akb2012 第1张
一个日本老先周刊akb2012 第2张
琴酒的保时捷356A 另外一个人是伏特加

保时捷356是费迪南·波尔舍的设计中第一辆被冠以保时捷名字的车型。 356车身窄小,结构简单、甚至连装饰条都没有。但它采用轻型风冷发动机、重心低、耐久性好,由于发动机中置,汽车前鼻可以做得很低,因此视野很好。车架采用了一种新型的钢管式结构,整备质量只有585公斤。 由于当时的金属板既少又贵,因此车身只保留了必需的部件。车门与车身连为一体、浅浅的门把手窝也是冲压出来的。风挡玻璃装配得有些松,虽能防风,但却会把雨水溅洒在后面。车子内部装备也同样简单实用,仪表盘上只装了一个速度表,车上有一带锁的手套箱,皮革覆盖的车门衬里上有地图袋。356的前大灯、灯组造型、保险杠都具有超时代美感。而它简单出色的拉线手把,在跨世纪的很多车型上还可以找到身影。保时捷 356一经问世即不同凡响,1948年7月,它就在奥地利的赛事中旗开得胜。 时间已过去半个世纪,保时捷356仍为人们所称道,它永远是那样的与众不同,你对它了解得越多,就会发现它离今天的718核心概念越近,而这正是它的魅力所在。

在今年的经典车长城拉力赛里也有356 有幸玩了一把 是我最喜欢的保时捷车型之一了

一个日本老先周刊akb2012 第3张



新闻是我在保时捷官网上无意中看见的 顺手翻译了一下

一个日本老先周刊akb2012 第4张

近日,一位来自日本的保时捷 356 A 车主为了纪念保时捷 70 周年,驾驶自己的爱车从家中出发前往保时捷总部 —— 斯图加特,总行程超过 15000 公里。

The Japanese Toshiyuki Suzuki has made a road trip of more than 15,000 kilometres with his 356 "Pre-A" from 1953. His destination: Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, in time for the anniversary “70 Years Porsche Sportscar”.

一个日本老先周刊akb2012 第5张

在东京东南方的千叶县鸭川市,一处绿树成荫的安静街区,一台风冷四缸发动机发出咳嗽般的动静。今年四月初,早晨的太阳穿透满树的樱花洒在了早期款 356 银色的油漆上。年逾六十的铃木先生是一位家庭美满的商人,他非常低调地开始了他心中最完美的公路旅行。

In a quiet neighbourhood of Kamogawa, in the leafy Chiba prefecture southeast of Tokyo, an air-cooled flat-four coughs hesitantly into life. It is early April, and a pale morning sun breaches the dense cover of cherry blossom to ignite the silver paintwork of an early 356.

Backing slowly onto the empty road is Toshiyuki Suzuki, a 60-year-old businessman, husband and father, who with remarkably little fanfare is about to embark on what must surely be the ultimate Porsche road trip.

已是人过中年的铃木先生将独自面对接下来的 15000 公里,他会穿越地球上最荒凉的地带、越过遥远的山脉、通过尘土飞扬的沙漠,也将面对汹涌的河流和年久失修的道路。至于他的目的地,显而易见,是带着 356 回到它的诞生地,参加在保时捷总部 —— 斯图加特的祖文豪森举行的保时捷 70 周年庆祝活动。

这段旅程就像是一场传统的朝拜,和 Mallory 在解释他攀登珠穆朗玛峰的愿望时提出的 “因为它就在那里” 的思维方式相呼应。为了庆祝保时捷 70 周年而驾驶一辆老爷车环游半个地球?这就是男人的浪漫吧。为什么不?

Ahead of Suzuki-san lies a 15,000 km solo journey across some of the most inhospitable terrain our planet has to offer, through remote mountain ranges, dust-filled deserts, across swollen rivers and broken roads. And mile upon mile of road of relentless, unchanging highways, winding alpine passes, rutted agricultural tracks, pot-holed trunk roads across a vast and alien continent. His destination? Stuttgart, naturally, in time for the 70th anniversary celebrations at Zuffenhausen to mark the birth of the 356.

Suzuki’s journey is one of old-school abandon, echoing the ‘because it’s there’ mind set mooted by Mallory when explaining his desire to climb Everest. Drive a vintage car half way around the world for the sake of it? Why not?

一个日本老先周刊akb2012 第6张
主角 保时捷356A

也许对铃木先生来说有一个更深层次的原因:22 岁时,他就买了他的第一辆保时捷,从成为保时捷车主到现在算起来已有 38 年了。这么多年来,他与保时捷的汽车以及整个品牌都有了很深的羁绊。这段旅程对这对老朋友来说绝对是一次探索之旅,对车和人都是一场严苛的考验。

这场横跨欧亚大陆的朝圣之旅将在韩国、俄罗斯、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、波兰、捷克共和国和奥地利进行,最后抵达德国,到达保时捷在斯图加特市中心的精神家园。铃木先生的保时捷 356 将在 65 年后重返其诞生地。

The 356 is parked outside the Museum in Zuffenhausen

Perhaps the reasons run a little deeper for Suzuki however. He has been a Porsche guy since the age of 22 when he bought his first, and has been a Porsche owner now for a remarkable 38 years. He has, over those years, formed a bond with these cars and with the marque as a whole. This journey is something a voyage of discovery then, putting his trustworthy 356 to the definitive test. And its driver along with it.

The punishing cross-continental pilgrimage will take in South Korea, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic and Austria before arriving in Germany and the spiritual home of Porsche in central Stuttgart. Suzuki’s car will be returning to its birthplace some 65 years after it first left.


这台高龄的 356 为了能够进行如此长距离的旅行,已经做足了准备工作。这台 1953 年产 的 “Pre-A” 356 已经从上到下完成了翻新,包括了这台正在运转的 95 马力 1.6 升排量的发动机。原先的座椅已经换成了支撑性更好、更安全的赛车椅,后安装的卫星导航系统占据了原本简单的仪表板。

车顶上的行李架中有两个备件,补充用的机油和一个千斤顶。除此这些之外,就是这台纯粹的早期版本 356。铃木先生和他的爱车已经准备好挑战这个世界,随着地板铰链式的油门被轻轻踩下,汽车沿着道路缓缓出发,随着转向灯的闪烁慢慢转到视野之外,发动机的声音也渐渐消失在远处。

He speaks little English and no Russian, and will have to get by with essential phrases written on pieces of paper. He has also received no material support from Porsche Japan aside from a single serving of instant miso soup – a tongue-in-cheek gesture that has delighted our optimistic driver. Every arrangement for the journey was done by himself.

Suzuki’s 1953 ‘Pre-A’ 356 has been gone through top to bottom

Nevertheless, if a car of such an age can ever look ready for such a journey, this is it. Suzuki’s 1953 ‘Pre-A’ 356 has been gone through top to bottom, and now runs a carefully rebuilt 95hp 1582cc engine from a much later SC. The gearbox has also been stripped and refreshed, the suspension rebuilt to as-new. Inside, the original seat has been swapped out for a more supportive and safer modern bucket, and an aftermarket sat nav dominates the simple dashboard. Lashed to the roof is a top box that contains two spares, extra engine oil and a jack. Other than that though, this is very much an original early 356, ready to take on world. With a gentle pressure on the floor-hinged throttle, the car rumbles off up the road, indicator winking as it turns slowly out of sight, the sound of the engine fading into the distance.

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挑战极限,一天疾驰 1050 公里

当我们再次遇见铃木先生时,已经是五十天之后了。他的 356 停放在 Zuffenhausen 的保时捷博物馆外,车身上一堆来自不同国家保时捷俱乐部的贴纸证明了这一段跨越欧亚大陆的旅程。另外,卫星导航的里程表也记录了这惊人的 15463 公里。

His longest stint was 1,050 km in one day

When we meet Toshiyuki Suzuki again some fifty days have elapsed. The 356 is parked outside the Museum in Zuffenhausen, covered in stickers that bear testament to a journey that has joined the disparate dots of Porsche fans and owners’ clubs across vast swathes of both Asia and Europe. The odometer on the sat nav has recorded a staggering 15,463 km.

铃木先生因保时捷的工作人员和车迷们聚集在他的车周围而相当开心,他用温和而热情的口吻描述着他在东西伯利亚荒凉的草原上的日子:具有挑战性的路边修复,甚至还更换了燃油泵;沿途居民有些热情过头的好客、奇怪的饮食习惯;以及如何在不知疲倦的保时捷 356 中放松自己。他最长的单日行程是 1050 公里,这对于任何一个年轻人来说都是一场考验,就更不用说这位已经 60 多岁的老司机了。

Suzuki is smiling – he is always smiling – as people flock around his car, examining the hallmarks of almost two months solid on the open road. In his gentle but eager tone he describes days alone in the desolate grasslands of Eastern Siberia, challenging roadside fixes that included changing the fuel pump, of incredible hospitality, terrible food, and the surprising ease with which the tireless 356 soaked up the miles. His longest stint was 1,050 km in one day, a heroic distance in a modern car, let alone in something older than its sixty-something driver.

铃木先生对自己的车能顺利开到 Zuffenhausen 充满了信心,他表示这次旅行基本上没有遇到什么真正的麻烦,一路上天气都很好,而且高质量的燃料供应也非常可靠。在旅途快结束时,这台车由于变速箱故障失去了 1 挡,且无法自行修复,不过镇定自若的铃木先生在没有 1 挡的情况下依然顺利抵达了最终的目的地。

Suzuki also talks about an unfailing confidence that his car would make it to Zuffenhausen. The journey was largely trouble free, blessed by good weather almost all the way and a surprisingly reliable supply of high quality fuel. Towards the end of the journey the car lost first gear, but unable to fix it at the roadside, the unflappable Suzuki just did without.

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在博物馆门前宽阔的小广场上,人们张开双臂欢迎这台 356 和车主进入保时捷家族的怀抱,他被众多媒体包围,并与他刚刚从日本坐飞机赶来的妻子团聚。铃木先生和他心爱的 356 已经成为了保时捷 70 周年周末的明星,在接下来的几个星期里,这辆车将作为特别周年纪念展览的一部分在博物馆展出。值得一提的是,他到达奥地利 Gmünd 时,里程表停在了 58356 公里,那正是建造第一批保时捷 356 的地方。

In front of the Museum car and owner have been welcomed with open arms.

Now, on the wide pavement in front of the Museum, car and owner have been welcomed with open arms, into the bosom of the Porsche family. Surrounded by media and reunited with his wife and, who has just flown in to welcome him, Suzuki and his beloved 356 have become a star attraction of Porsche’s 70th anniversary weekend. So much so that for the next few weeks the car will be exhibited in the museum as part of a special anniversary exhibition. In a moment of pure poetry, the odometer had come to rest at 58,356 km as he arrived in Gmünd, where the first 356 was built.

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奥地利 Gmünd 时 里程表停在了 58356 公里 那正是建造第一批保时捷 356 的地方

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Toshiyuki Suzuki's 356 at the Porsche Museum

待尘埃落定之后,是时候回家了,铃木先生和他的忠实伙伴未来会怎样 ? 这辆车将从博物馆启程运送回家,回到安静的千叶县,再一次行驶在绿树成荫的道路上,但它的工作似乎还没有完成。铃木先生告诉我们,他已经在期待再来一次了,而保时捷 80 周年纪念日显然又是一个完美的借口。

After the dust has settled and everyone has returned home, what does the future hold for Suzuki and his loyal companion? The car will be shipped home by the Museum, back to the quiet, tree-lined roads of Chiba, but it seems its work may not be done. Suzuki tells us, out of earshot of his wife, that he is already thinking about the 80th anniversary; the perfect excuse to do it all over again.

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旅行                 汽车                 社会热点                 情感
